The Sibling Bond

The Sibling Bond

The Sibling Bond

Our parents leave us too early,
Our spouse and children come along too late;
Our siblings are the ones whose there for the whole journey;
A binding love, decided by fate.

A father may favour his last born daughter,
As a mother would her first born son;
Our parents may tend to have their favourites,
There could be one, there could be none.

A common observation found in siblings,
These traits developed according to rank;
A first-born, bigger, healthier, and often smarter;
The youngest, more charming and likely funnier;
Then finally those who takes a little longer to find their life’s direction,
The middle-born who fights harder to seek recognition.

We may fight with our brothers and sisters;
While petty, and childish, there are lessons we learn;
Conflict avoidance and resolution,
To share, to love, to give others a turn,
To be loyal and honest, to show how you care,
To fight, to keep secrets, to learn what’s unfair.

If relationships are broken but fixable, fix them;
If they work, make them even better
Life is short, its finite, and it plays for keeps;
Siblings may be among the richest harvest in this life that we receive.

#TEDtalkspoetry #thesiblingbond

Additional Information:

TED Talk: The Sibling Bond  (November, 2011)
Delivered by: Jeffrey Kluger
TED Talk Link: The Sibling Bond

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