10 Minutes

10 minutes

10 Minutes

Its makes our minds a mess,
Overwhelming thoughts, oh what STRESS!
Distracted, anxious, and worried; unsure of what to do;
These tiny dilemmas that often gets bigger too.

We have different ways to fight this battle;
Some with work, or friends, or family, or the bottle;
Just to seek that inner balance and peace,
To calm yourself down, put your mind at ease.

What we need is to be more present;
The here, the now, the current experience;
So step back and look at a better angle,
For moments are events we can’t control.

Take 10 minutes out of your day;
To relax, to meditate, though it’s a cliché;
No need for mats, to sit or incense,
Just be mindful of the gift that is your present.

#TEDtalkspoetry #10minutes

Additional Information:

TED Talk: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes (November, 2012)
Delivered by: Andy Puddicombe
TED Talk Link: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

One thought on “10 Minutes

  1. Wow. Just wow.
    I am so glad I found you because you are amazing.
    I wish I could follow you a 1000 times over.


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