[TED Talk Appreciation] The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life

The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life

[TED Talk Appreciation Post]


Most, if not all of us knows Pixar, the company that has brought to life many of our childhood movies. And Danielle Feindberg talks us through how they make the Pixar magic come to life.

When we watch movies, especially animated movies, we don’t really think about all the research that goes into it. But at Pixar they make it as realistic as an animated film can be.

Also, this talk also shows how we are capable of doing what we want to do in life. Our passions can be merged into what we are now to be able to enjoy our work lives. Its seems cliche but it is possible! Our fields of expertise now may just work into achieving the dreams and passions we had!

Though the talk only talked about one aspect, the science of lights and lighting, it personally made me grow an appreciation for the effort of those people we (if you actually do) read in the credits of a movie.

These are the people that takes us from our theater seats and takes us into a ride…

Check out the video above and see for yourself what I’m talking about!

Original Video: The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life
Speaker: Danielle Feinberg




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